Focus and Scope

RISTEK: Jurnal Riset, Inovasi dan Teknologi Kabupaten Batang is a dedicated journal for the publication of high-quality research results and issues in the fields of Economics, Tourism, Information Technology, Education, Health, and the Environment, but not limited implicitly. All publications in the RISTEK Journal are accessible openly (Open Source).

RISTEK: Jurnal Riset, Inovasi dan Teknologi Kabupaten Batang welcomes articles/Scientific Journals with research scopes including :

  1. Kesehatan (Health)
  2. Ekonomi (Economics)
  3. Pendidikan, Kebudayaan (Education, Culture)
  4. Pariwisata (Tourism)
  5. Industri Kreatif (Creative Industries)
  6. Pemerintahan (Governance)
  7. Sosial (Social)
  8. Koperasi dan UMKM (Cooperatives and SMEs)
  9. Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Hidup (Forestry and Environmental Sustainability)
  10. Kelautan, Perikanan dan Peternakan (Maritime, Fisheries, and Livestock)
  11. Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (Information and Communication Technology)
  12. Sumberdaya, Energi & Mineral (Resources, Energy & Minerals)
  13. Inovasi Teknologi Rekayasa (Technological Engineering Innovation)
  14. Teknik Industri (Industrial Engineering)

Pamflet Vol 8 no 2